Welcome to the New School Year

We hope enjoyed the warm dry summer and that you’re excited for a new school year. Get involved and stay connected by attending some of the activities planned for September:
Thursday Sept. 6th 7:30-9:00pm – FOSB Informal Gathering
We’ll catch up on what’s happening at Salmon Bay and discuss fun ideas for the coming new year. Waterwheel Lounge (7034 15th Avenue NW Ballard).
Thursday Sept. 13th 6:00-8:00pm – FOSB Potluck and meeting
Hear FOSB committees discuss the new year and enjoy the wonderful cooking of our community. We’ll also discuss our “minigrant” process, our system of small grants to aid teachers and incubate innovative ideas. Salmon Bay auditorium. 
Friday Sept. 28th – Pizza on the Playground
Mingle with Salmon Bay families while enjoying Veraci pizza. One of the biggest events we have during the year. Salmon Bay playground. 

If you’re new to Salmon Bay here are some reasons to attend our FOSB meetings:
Find out from teachers and administration what’s happening at Salmon Bay.
Learn how you can help create the best experience for you child.
Get to know parents who have been at Salmon Bay and benefit from their experience.
Contribute your opinion, your voice counts!
Coming up this fall:
Direct Giving Campaign
Middle School Camps
Halloween Parade
Middle School Dance
UW Book Fair
We really want to hear from you. If you have questions about FOSB or would like more information please email us at fosbchair@gmail.com.
 Ali and Aaron