Officers & Directors


Salmon Bay parents, guardians, staff and teachers are automatically FOSB members, with a full voice and vote on matters that come before us. No paperwork to complete, no dues to pay. If you have a student at Salmon Bay, you’re already a FOSB member!


Beyond membership, FOSB also provides opportunities to get more involved by electing directors. As members of FOSB’s board, directors are trustees of FOSB and are responsible for oversight of all FOSB activities, especially those involving the organization’s governance and finances. If the FOSB membership cannot reach consensus on a matter requiring action, then directors will vote. We ask directors to attend most if not all FOSB board meetings for this reason. Directors are elected twice each school year, in November and May.

The difference between being a FOSB member and a director is that directors have the responsibility of voting if consensus cannot be reached by the membership.


FOSB officers are elected at our May annual membership meeting and are considered part of FOSB’s board of directors. Officers include:

  • Two co-chairs (one for elementary, one for middle school), who preside over FOSB meetings and lead the board.
  • A secretary, who keeps the minutes of FOSB meetings and maintains other FOSB records.
  • Two treasurers (one for elementary, one for middle school), who supervise a bookkeeper hired by FOSB and oversee FOSB’s budget and financial reports.

Read the job descriptions for FOSB officers.

Let us know if you’re interested in joining the board!

Current list of FOSB officers and directors
2024-25 slate of officers and directors

Building Leadership Team

The Building Leadership Team (BLT) is a completely separate group from FOSB, but we are including information about it here for reference.

Each Seattle public school, including Salmon Bay, has a BLT that maintains two-way communication with their represented groups and makes decisions regarding the school’s Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP), professional development plan, and school budget. The teachers’ contract defines the BLT as: “The primary function of the BLT is to promote and facilitate the collaborative decision–making process which affects academic achievement and to identify how to support the needs of students and staff in buildings. The more specific responsibilities of the BLT are to oversee the facilitation and development of a Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP), including the configuration and structure of the school’s classes and/or program offerings; a school–wide professional development plan to support the CSIP; and the school’s budget.”

At Salmon Bay, the BLT meets 2–3 times each month before school. Although not required, Salmon Bay feels strongly that all parts of the community should be represented in the BLT. Each parent representative (currently, one for elementary school and one for middle school) serves as a conduit of communication between parents and the BLT. BLT representatives must be able to represent the larger community that includes a wide range of ideas. The key word is “representative.” BLT representatives must be comfortable with respecting confidentiality when matters requiring it arise. In addition, at least one of the two BLT reps should attend the monthly FOSB meetings to provide a brief update on BLT matters as part of the two-way communication expectation.

Any openings on the BLT will be communicated in the Weekly Bulletin or through other updates from school administration.

Learn more about Salmon Bay’s BLT.