Salmon Bay’s After-School Program [ASP] is coordinated by the ASP Committee and operates independently of the regular Salmon Bay curriculum. We hope that you and your child(ren) find our fall offerings interesting. Our goal is to place your student(s) where they want to be.
Activity fees: Please make checks payable to FOSB. If your student(s) does not get into a particular class, your check for that class will be destroyed and thrown away.
Payment plans and scholarships: Payment plans and partial scholarships may be available for those who need financial assistance. Please contact us to submit your payment plan or to request a partial scholarship for your student(s). Payment plans and scholarships must be submitted and finalized prior to your child being registered for a class.
Maximum class size exceeded: The situation may occur where the number of children registering for a class exceeds its maximum. This issue will most likely be resolved via a lottery to ensure that every child has the same chance of participating. The exception to this are the children of Parent Helpers who will have priority registration for the particular class that their parent is assisting an afterschool instructor.
Parents and Guardians — please read carefully
- Note the time your child must be picked-up — not all classes end at the same time
- You must pick your student up from the class location — no curbside pickups
- Be on time to pick-up — repeated lateness may cause the instructor and/or ASP program to drop your student from class
- Parents must notify instructors if students will be absent
- Children not participating (such as younger students) must be picked up when school dismisses — no child care offered
- There are no classes on early dismissal days
- If classes are cancelled for school closure or other unforeseen circumstances, there are no refunds or makeups
- There are no tuition refunds for after-school classes — students who quit or are dropped for not following student behavior expectations do not result in a refund
Student behavior expectations — please read carefully
- I understand that rules for the afterschool program are the same as the rules during the school day at Salmon Bay. I agree to follow all school rules during my enrollment in afterschool classes.
- I understand that in addition to regular school rules, the afterschool class that I am registered for may have special rules unique to that class. I agree to follow any special rules as well.
- I agree to pay attention and to cooperate with the teacher and parent volunteer(s) during afterschool classes, and to follow their instructions.
- If I continue to misbehave, repercussions for my actions can range from me missing one class to being dropped from the class/activity entirely.