Have a great summer!

Goodbye, Salmon Bay families! Have a wonderful, rejuvenating summer.

For those families returning to Salmon Bay next school year, we’ll see you back here in the fall. Be sure to subscribe to the FOSB events calendar so you’ll know about all the FOSB happenings to kick off the year.

For those moving on to new adventures, we wish you a very fond farewell!

Help support FOSB by shopping at Fred Meyer!

If you’re a Fred Meyer customer, you can support FOSB every time you shop! With the Fred Meyer Community Rewards program, you can easily link your rewards card to Friends of Salmon Bay, and FOSB will earn money with every purchase you make.

Sign up here to link your Fred Meyer rewards card with Friends of Salmon Bay.

This is a super easy way for FOSB to earn much-needed funds to support our school. With the recent end of Amazon Smile, FOSB lost a valuable income source. Help us replace it by linking your Fred Meyer rewards card, then swiping the card every time you shop at Fred Meyer!

If you have questions about the Fred Meyer Community Rewards program, please review this document. Contact FOSBtreasurer@gmail.com for more information.

FOSB 2023-2024 Officers and Directors

At FOSB’s May 2023 membership meeting, we voted to approve a slate of FOSB officers and directors for the 2023-2024 school year.


  • Elementary Co-Chair: Julie Schneider*
  • Middle School Co-Chair: Caitlin Collins
  • Elementary Treasurer: Brian LeBlanc
  • Middle School Treasurer: Julie Carr*
  • Secretary: Melissa Carthum


  • Andrea Althauser
  • Melissa Amrhein
  • Jaqueline Anderson
  • Principal Dixon**
  • Shelby Reynolds
  • Shannon Ginn Robinson
  • Erin Rosenberg
  • Jessica Timins
  • Rebecca Trlica
  • Liila Woods
  • Cindy Goering*
  • Samsy Martin-Gray*
  • Christine Miller*
  • Chelsea Rittenmyer*
  • Katie Roberts*

*New director/officer this year
**Automatic Director per Article 5, Section 1 of bylaws.

Thank you all for stepping up your involvement with FOSB! If you are interested in volunteering or learning more, please contact fosbchair@gmail.com.

Please attend our annual membership meeting on May 23!

Tuesday, May 23
7:00-8:30 p.m.
School library and via Zoom

All FOSB members are encouraged to attend our annual FOSB membership meeting in the school library or via Zoom. We will hear updates from our administration, find out about our auction results and learn about a new native garden project. Most importantly, we will vote to approve our new slate of officers and directors and the proposed FOSB budget for the next school year. According to FOSB bylaws, we need at least 20 members who are not officers or directors to vote on these important topics and make sure we’re prepared for the fall.

Remember, parents, guardians, teachers and staff are all FOSB members, whether you have had a chance to attend previous FOSB meetings or not.

Please feel free to peruse the agenda ahead of time.

FOSB needs volunteers for the next school year!

As we begin looking to the 2023/24 school year, there are always volunteer needs. Families graduate out or move on, or it’s simply time for someone else to take the reins of a particular role. Please consider your time and where you may be able to contribute. There are roles within our parent teacher organization that are very low commitment and others that allow someone to step in more substantially to flex their skills at leadership or communication — either way, there’s something for everyone. Here are just some of our needs:

This is a paid position and an immediate need! FOSB’s long-term bookkeeper is working towards retirement. Some of these responsibilities have been absorbed by our FOSB Treasurers but we need a new bookkeeper to file our annual taxes, conduct bank reconciliation, issue checks etc. Are you a CPA or know someone who could step in? Please reach out to fosbchair@gmail.com

Officer and Director Open Positions:

  • Elementary Co-Chair
  • Secretary
  • Board Directors

Interested in being a FOSB officer or director? Please reach out to fosbchair@gmail.com

Committee Chair Open Positions:

  • Families of Color Committee (FoCC)
  • Funding Equity Committee
  • Rock for FOSB Committee
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDI) . This committee has been on hiatus for the past year, but parents are interested in restarting it. Please contact Melissa Amrhein if interested: melissa.amrhein@gmail.com

Review the full list of committees and their descriptions here. ALL of FOSB’s committees could use volunteer support. If you would like to be part of a committee, please reach out to the listed Committee Chair(s) or FosbChair@gmail.com