October FOSB Events

[updated 10/26] Here’s what’s happening with FOSB this month. We’ll update this post when new items are added. You’ll find Zoom meeting links in the Weekly Bulletin (sent each Friday via email).

Auction Committee Kick-Off Meeting
Thursday, October 28 from 7-8:30 p.m.
Here’s a fun opportunity! Join this year’s Auction Committee Kick-Off Meeting via zoom. Meet other parents and caregivers in our community and learn about producing our school’s largest fundraising event of the year. The Auction Committee is responsible for planning the FOSB annual auction — from ideation to implementation. We’ll hit the ground running at the kick-off meeting, sharing info on what planning this year’s auction will be like, identifying key roles and brainstorming a theme! Pop into the zoom room to say hello and learn more about producing this year’s auction. No experience necessary. All welcome. Find the Zoom link in the 10/22 Weekly Bulletin email or contact our auction chair, Shelby.

Volunteer Opportunity: Parent Reps Needed
Friends of Salmon Bay is seeking grade-specific Parent Representatives to further provide a voice to our parent community and act as a liaison between teachers and students in their grade and FOSB’s many programs and initiatives. This is a great way for parents to get to know others in their class community as well as their teachers in order to advocate on their behalf, gather consensus, generate ideas and bring forth any issues or concerns.
We are still seeking Parent Representatives for Grade 2, 4, 5, 6 as well as the 7th/8th Cascade and Olympic Teams. If you would like to learn more or are interested, please email FOSBchair@gmail.com.